Haere mai
E ngā iwi katoa o te ao, nau mai, haere mai ki te huihuinga ā-ipurangi e pā ana ki te huringa āhuarangi.
Welcome to the International Indigenous Climate Change Researchers online Summit.
We welcome attendance from all peoples, countries, sectors and research disciplines. The summit will be of interest to decision and policy makers, communities, action groups, educators, scientists, researchers and change-makers. The summit is designed to create a clear channel to ensure Indigenous world views and peoples voices are amplified globally and above the discourses that presently dominate climate change narratives. Connecting across countries and cultures, the summit will be a fulcrum for evidenced and actionable solutions that seek to mitigate the impacts of climate change on Indigenous peoples, our places and ways of life.
Around the world Indigenous peoples are actively engaged in finding actionable solutions in response to climate change to ensure the survival and flourishing of our planet, places and peoples. IICCRS 13-17 November 2023 is an International Indigenous-led online gathering designed to amplify Indigenous voices, ideas and actionable solutions.
Call for Papers
Traditional knowledge
Climate Action
Indigenous Rights
Meaningful Partnerships
Climate Justice
Knowledge Sharing

IICCRS Keynote speaker Pauliina Feodoroff
“Finland has treated the ancestral land we have lived in for centuries as their natural resource to exploit and sell piece by piece to any market that needs it. Sámi forests are logged for toilet paper. I have spent my life documenting all the losses on multiple levels, but now it’s vital to focus on what we still have and how to make it stronger. When the earth is transforming, life needs havens and time to adapt. My work proposes ways to protect the last remaining old growth forests and let the logged areas have a time to heal. Our message is, please do not buy our land, buy our art instead.”
IICCRS is a uniquely Indigenous led gathering conceived and organised by Indigenous researchers with the goal of creating space for Indigenous voices and solutions. All summit activities will accord with Māori protocols and remain responsive to those of Indigenous participants. Registrants will hear from premiere keynote speakers who are Indigenous influences, change-makers, solution finders and researchers. All sessions will be facilitated by Indigenous researchers. The lead researcher on all abstract submissions and research presentations will be an Indigenous researcher. Research teams who include non-Indigenous peoples are welcome to submit abstracts but teams should empower their Indigenous members to lead on presentations.
Climate change will progressively undermine Indigenous rights to health and there is significant risk that policies adopted to address climate change, both mitigation and adaptation, could exacerbate inequities and further erode Indigenous rights.

Summit Host
Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) is New Zealand’s Māori Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) funded by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and hosted by The University of Auckland. NPM has 21 partner research entities, conducting research of relevance to Māori communities and is an important vehicle by which Aotearoa New Zealand continues to be a key player in global Indigenous research and affairs. The centre’s research is driven by its vision of creating the foundations for flourishing Māori futures and it is focused on bringing positive change and transformation to the nation, and the wider world. Working with Indigenous researchers and leaders from around the world, NPM is honoured to host the International Indigenous Climate Change Research Summit and looks forward to connecting Indigenous researchers and promoting Indigenous voices, solutions and positive futures.